How to create a winning business startup plan
For entrepreneurs, creating a business plan before you launch into your startup enables you to clarify what your strategy is, what you’re selling, who your customers are, and the viability of your idea before you start a business.
Top tips for small business success
Small businesses can be exciting, hands-on places in which to work with a great deal of passion invested in them – but their modest size can make them more vulnerable to market shocks.
Effective management skills for business administrators
Successful leadership in a business administration role needs a blend of technical, interpersonal and strategic skills to run a successful business while earning the respect of your team and stakeholders.
Empowering patients for better care
When people get actively involved in their own healthcare, better decisions can be made, and quality of care and patient outcomes can improve too. Sarah Harrop explores why patient empowerment matters and how to achieve it.
How do nurses balance patient care and ethical dilemmas?
Whether it’s concerns over patient confidentiality or a conflict between a patient’s wishes and giving them a life-saving treatment, nurses will face many ethical challenges in their careers.
Skills for success in nursing leadership and management
Good nurse leadership makes care more effective and keeps staff motivated and patients safe. Ruth Brooks describes what it takes for nurses to be top-flight leaders and managers.
Caring from afar: working in telehealth nursing
To work in telehealth nursing you need excellent communication skills and the ability to create a mental picture of your patient based only on what you’re hearing or seeing over a video link. Sarah Harrop explores what this relatively new branch of nursing involves.
Meeting the needs of an ageing world
While increasing life expectancy is, of course, a good thing, on the other side of the coin the population ageing is a considerable burden on healthcare systems and health care services.
Why cultural competence matters in nursing
Culture is part of what it is to be human. It can be defined as a pattern of learned beliefs, values, and behaviour that are shared within a group, such as those within a community, a region or a country.
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