What is remote patient monitoring?
Remote patient monitoring (RPM) is a recent healthcare innovation that has revolutionised patient management. The cutting-edge approach uses digital technology to collect, analyse, and transmit vital patient health data, enabling healthcare providers to monitor their patients' well-being from a distance.
Clinical nurse educator roles and responsibilities
Clinical nurse educators, with their years of experience in clinical practice, have an important role to play in healthcare and training in the area can lead to rewarding work that has the potential to make a measurable impact on the entire profession.
Legal aspects of health care
Legal and ethical considerations are integral to good medical practice, patient safety and care, and patient rights. As a result, organisations across the health sector are recruiting individuals with the skills, knowledge and expertise to help them navigate high-risk, high-stakes issues such as legal compliance.
Why the early identification of speech and language delays is important
Language development shapes childrens' ability to communicate, learn, and interact with the world. Some children may however, experience speech and language delays, which can impede their progress and hinder their social and academic success.
Acalculia: an explainer
Acalculia is a neurological condition that causes an inability to process numbers or perform mathematical calculations. It primarily affects an area of the brain’s frontal lobes that deals with mathematical reasoning.
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